To race a yacht 24 hours a day, the crew must operate in shifts or watches. Different boats will opt for different watch patterns; a common system for Qingdao is four hours on, four hours off during the night and six hours on, six hours off during the day.
This system has the advantage of having a long sleep during the day (six hours) while keeping your time on deck low at night. Six hours on deck in cold, dark conditions can seem like a lifetime, particularly when the wind is coming from Antarctica!
Here are some insights during a watch change.
In the Video, you see Andrew Reeves & Klas Abrahamsson on the deck, Gussi Gould putting on her dry suit, Chris Faris, who is ready for the next shift, Dumitru Capdefier, who is close to being seasick, and Jo Hulton fighting with the smock to stay warm & cosy.
In the second part of the Video, we can see Klas Abrahamsson explaining everything important for the next watch (handover to the Bueller watch)
The Video was recorded on the 28th of November, 2023
In this video, we see two excellent sailors talking about something that Paolo Perillo & I can't follow. Vincent Sorel - Happy Watch & Steven James - Bueller Watch, both in a different shift.
The Video was recorded on the 28th of November, 2023
Another inside view when you have shift change.
The Video was recorded on the 30th of November, 2023
The Video was recorded on the 2nd of December, 2023
Bueller Watch is enjoying the good weather in the Southern Ocean. But it's still cold.
The Video was recorded on the 5th of December, 2023