A high-performance sailing team like Qingdao needs fuel in order to perform. The mother watch is responsible for preparing and serving food for the rest of the crew and cleaning and tidying the yacht to maintain a healthy crew and living area.
Mother watch duties need to be taken very seriously, and it is personally not my favourite day. The mother watches form a fundamental part of a race team, as the team cannot function without adequate good food. If you are not naturally a cook or do not have much experience like me, make sure you read the instructions given by the victualler and look for a partner who can cook. I was fortunate because Gussi looked after me and ensured I didn't get hurt in the kitchen.
But nobody can explain it better than Remi & Greg.
This Interview was made on the 28th of November, 2023, with Remi Houel & Gregory Adams.
Mother watch duties include:
• Assisting the duty watch on deck as required
• Preparing meals and washing up
• Helping re-pack sails
• Keeping below deck clean and tidy
• Cleaning heads and grab rails
• Providing stand-in for any injured crew member
• Encouraging the on-watch to stay hydrated
Mother's watch provides a change from the usual routine. Every crew member will take their turn as a mother on a rota system. This also allows you to catch up on some sleep as, provided no sails need stitching, and help is not required on deck after the yacht is cleaned and all meals have been cooked and tidied away, you are left to your own devices. This usually results in the mother catching up on their sleep, enabling them to arrive on watch the next day refreshed and ready to go.
One of my Highlights of the day was provided by the mothers.